Sunday, May 1, 2016

April 27

Fr. Jim speaking to us at dinner in the hotel. Our guide Mauriziois standing at left

Waiting on benches to go into the baths

Candles lit for prayer intentions. Words in different languages cut out of the metal say, "This flame prolongs your prayers."

Janis near the really big candles lit for intentions
The Grotto & Basilica seen from the back side

From the steps to the upper level of the Basilica, looking down at some of the many youth groups or "frats" gathering in front 

The inside of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, which Mary asked Bernadette to have built above the Grotto

View from the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception over the dome of the Rosary Basilica, toward the Door of Mercy. The castle is on the hilltop in the distance. From the 11th century, all the townspeople could fit inside the castle walls for protection from invaders

Looking across the river at the Grotto. This is the river Bernadette's sister and friend crossed to look for firewood, leaving her behind. It was then that Bernadette first saw Our Lady


  1. What a blessing to be there! The basilica is beautiful. Pray for all of us over here! Continue the Pilgrimage with peace and joy.

  2. I never realized the basilica was built way on top of that huge ledge-cliff!
